The Perfect Spring Activities for Your Blooming Party
Spring is in full swing and that means that it’s time for a whole slew of fun activities. If your little one happens to have a spring birthday then this makes for such a fun time of year to celebrate. Not only do you have the potential of the outdoors available to you, but you are also able to find some cute and functional crafts.
Kids love crafts and if they have to do with the season that we’re in, then they are even better. You can not only create wonderful memories at your child’s birthday party but also create crafts that are in keeping with spring and that they can use all year long.
These are the best kind of crafts as they serve as a constant reminder of different activities that you have done together all year long. So if you want the most memorable and fun crafts, prepare yourself for these that are easy to do and a whole lot of fun to create.
Little Ladybug Gardening Kit
There is no cuter bug that pays homage to spring quite like a ladybug. This is such a great symbol of spring and therefore it’s a great way to incorporate it into a functional craft. A ladybug theme party makes for a perfect backyard garden party, too.
You want to purchase ahead of time little shovels, kids gardening gloves, little rakes, and any other cute kids gardening tools that you can find. (There’s lots of cute ideas on Amazon.) If you happen to be able to find them in the symbolic red or black color then that’s even better, but it’s not a requirement.
Every child loves ladybugs and you are going to have the decorations fit for this adoration. You want to find every type of ladybug sticker and decal that you find, and then of course some cute red and black puffy paint to make it perfect.
Each child will get to write their name and then trace a ladybug onto their gardening bag. Then they will decorate each of their gardening tools with the perfect little ladybug decorations. Before you know it you will watch them transform an ordinary gardening set into an adorable ladybug themed set that is just perfect for spring. While they’re decorating, teach them some facts about ladybugs – they are beetles, they eat plant-destroying aphids, and “boy” ladybugs exist too! Here’s a great resource on ladybug facts.
Adorable and Functional Flower Pot
Who doesn’t love a flower pot? It doesn’t get much easier than this as a parent and yet every child gets to leave with an adorable little flower pot to take home. What a great match! With this craft all you have to do is find and purchase some smaller flower pots that are pretty plain and simple.
Then you put out all the elements for proper flower pot decoration – craft supplies, soil, seeds and a bit of water. Put out glitter, paints and markers that will work on this type of surface, and of course some spring stickers. Watch how the kids come alive when you let them create and decorate their very own flower pot.
Be sure to include a packet of seeds to get the kids started by growing their own little goodies in their newly created spring flower pot. Or, plant a small herb in each one, which they can plant or use for a future meal. This may even serve as a beautiful memory for years to come as it is functional and so very cute!
Milk Jug Bird Feeder
Kids adore all things that have to do with nature and so a bird feeder is a great way to demonstrate that. Sure, you can get a bird feeder kit for something fancier, but it’s much more fun (and less expensive) to go for a simple homemade birdfeeder that starts with a milk carton.
This is a great way to recycle too, so start saving your plastic milk gallons. Depending on the age of the children, you may wish to cut bird-size holes in each side (see video, below) in advance. Punch small holes in the top and thread some sturdy string or fishing line through that the parents can then tie to a tree branch.
The main part of the project will have the kids creating and decorating their bird feeders. Hand out some non-toxic glue and glitter, and use small twigs, dried grass and leaves as part of the decor. Kids love these bird feeders and parents do too!
This time of year is so fun for getting outside and enjoying all that nature has to offer. As everything is in bloom around you use this opportunity to plan some great kid’s crafts at your little one’s birthday party. These are memories that are sure to last and they happen to work as an excellent party activity and favor all in one. Perfect for everyone and loads of fun to make!