Toga Party!
Get in touch with your inner frat boy and your love of Animal House and get ready for a toga party! What guy doesn’t love an excuse to get dressed up in a sheet and party without a care in the world? This is the type of theme party that any guy can throw, no matter what the age, and usually you can even get the ladies interested and involved. So find your best sheet, get the kegs of beer ready, and prepare yourself for the party of the year.
Act Your Age
Obviously it makes a big difference what your age is as you go about throwing the ultimate toga party. If you are a twenty- something that just needs an excuse to party, go nuts! You also don’t likely have to worry about anything but the party space itself and the kegs of beer that the crowd will expect.
If however you are a bit older and more responsible, then you may want to serve some food. Keep it simple and go for pizza and chips, some veggies and fruit, some simple desserts or even a BBQ. Also, a huge Caesar salad is a must! (Never mind that the salad was invented in 1924!) Just because you’re older and more “responsible” doesn’t mean you have to be gourmet. Consider the age and makeup of your crowd as you make your preparations to ensure that you meet the needs. You can always keep it simple though for this type of fun and festive party!
Dress the Part
The key element to any toga party is the toga itself. If you are of the twenty-something college crowd then keep it simple and go for a clean sheet that you can fashion into your own toga. Always wear something under it as you don’t know when the wind will pick up though!
If you want to get creative, then make your toga a bit more elaborate, go for a printed sheet for that extra special touch, or add accessories like a crown to your toga ensemble. Be sure that all of the ladies that are invited know to dress in their togas and that they go for something creative and beautiful. You can, of course, buy sexy toga costumes online, but half the fun of a party like this can be to see just how elaborate everybody dresses in their favorite sheet outfit!
Party It Up
There’s nothing that takes you back to frat days more than a toga party, so this is the time to really relax and unwind. Be sure that you have a couple of kegs of beer on hand to serve your thirsty crowd and keep the party going. Have plenty of tunes on hand to get everyone dancing—go for a live band if that’s an option in your space and budget. There’s not much you need to do in terms of preparation for this type of party which is what makes it so popular amongst the male set — just let the good times roll!