10 Ways to Use Crepe Paper
Crepe paper is my absolute favorite new party decoration item. It is so versatile. I’ve always used crepe paper, but got very into it during my recent super bowl party. Here are 10 ways to use crepe paper to liven up your decorating scheme:
- Crepe paper swags: drape crepe paper
from point to point in individual swags, or twisted with different colors. HINT: if twisting two colors together, keep them close together while twisting, so one size of the swag is one color, and the other is another color.
- Crepe paper “love beads”: No, they’re not beads, but you can use them like you’d use love beads. Just tape paper streamers to the top of the door sills to create a “curtain” of crepe paper.
- Crepe paper flowers: You can re-create almost any flower out of crepe paper. To make easy flowers, just wind a bunch of paper around your wrist, loosely. Then, remove the loops of paper and pinch together on one side. You can also make smaller flowers by making smaller loops. Alternatively, you can layer the paper, end to end, and then bunch it together to make a flower.
- Decorate the table: Put a plain-colored tablecloth down. Then, before you add large serving platters, criss-cross crepe paper to form patterns – starbursts, plaid, checks, diamonds, you name it. Use scotch tape to secure the paper on the underside of the table.
- Add a fake wall: Much the same as the love bead concept, but this time, secure the crepe paper at the floor and ceiling with tape. Create more “spaces” in your party rooms.
- Make a maypole: Tape crepe paper to the top of a post, and then let the kids weave it around the may pole while singing a cheerful spring song. ( I think they only do that in movies, but it sounds fun!)
- Make pom-poms out of crepe paper by looping 12 inch loops of paper and then tying it in the middle. You can cut the looped ends, or leave them. This is good for kid’s parties, and big sporting events.
- As a make-your-own-costume contest supply: When you go to bridal showers, frequently the host has come up with a “unique” game in which the guests make toilet paper “bridal gowns” on each other. Cute. What’d be even more fun? Make costumes entirely out of nothing but different colors of crepe paper. Because it can stain if it gets wet, tell guests to wear old clothes if you’re planning on this.
- Wrap gifts: use crepe paper you have lying around to stuff gift bags, or to wrap gifts. (Just make sure you have lots of tape handy. And, don’t wrap anything that can be stained easily with it.)
- For a ribbon cutting ceremony: use crepe paper
as the “ribbon” instead of ribbon. It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to cut those ribbons at ceremonies. Either the scissors aren’t sharp, or the cutter is left-handed. Crepe paper is easily torn, if nothing else!